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90-Day Expense Tracker

This tracker is for you and truly step 1 in in the process. It will help you see where your money is currently going so that you can tell it where you want it to go!

If you ever feel:

❌ broke at the end of the month

❌ the stress of living paycheck to paycheck

❌ like you make too much money to be this poor

❌ unsure where your money is going

❌ like you spend way too much money in a certain area of life

We Can’t Change What We Don’t Know, But Let's Find Out!

Tracking your money to see where it's going currently will give you the insight to ask yourself, "is this what I value and am I using my money to accomplish goals?" Most likely not, but that's completely normal and that's what causes us to feel stuck in debt and not living our best life.

I’m talking money to:

✔️ go on regular vacations

✔️ splurge on your favorite holiday

✔️ go out to eat with friends whenever you want

✔️ try that new hobby

✔️ start that business you’ve been thinking about

✔️ just not have to worry about bills

… all while not going further into debt!

Do you want to get debt free? I’m Kelly and I paid off $46k student debt in 20months. This tracker was a huge part of how I did it!

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